The Swedish Internet Foundation is investing 2 Million SEK in Peppy Pals

2 min läsning

Through play and humor, Peppy Pals products focus on teaching children and adults about social and emotional intelligence (EQ). The concept has been developed in cooperation with psychologists and researchers.

–We have chosen to invest in Peppy Pals, an exciting start-up company that fits in line with the type of issues the Internet Foundation works with. We think it is very exciting with a company that focuses on value-based education, says Danny Aerts, CEO of The Swedish Internet Foundation.

The Swedish Internet Foundation has long been pursuing educational initiatives related to teaching materials for children with, for example, Webbstjärnan, Kid Hack and the latest addition Digital Lessons. Digital Lessons is an open digital teaching resource with complete lesson material to meet the curriculum changes taking place in the autumn of 2018 when digital competence is added to the school curriculum. The investment in Peppy Pals is seen as an extension of this.

– We are extremely glad that the Internet Foundation shares our values and sees the growing demand that exists in digital products surrounding value and education. IIS has been incredibly professional throughout the entire investment process and has shown a deep understanding for us entrepreneurs. They have allowed us to prioritize our own business, been quick in their decisions and asked relevant questions, says Rosie Linder, founder and CEO of Peppy Pals.

During 2018, Peppy Pals will launch an EQ platform that gathers all of the company’s products in an adventurous app for children as well as a web-based version for parents and teachers. The adult version includes easy-to-read discussion questions and diplomas for each scenario, as well as fun games based on EQ. Teachers are also given the opportunity to follow up and report their value-based work with the help of the Peppy Pals platform. By giving children the opportunity to practice their EQ, Peppy Pals helps to increase children’s self-esteem and ability to work with others, while also understanding their own and others’ feelings, and to deal with stress and anxiety.

The Swedish Internet Foundation as investors

The Swedish Internet Foundation has been investing since 2016 in newly formed Swedish companies. The main purpose is not to control or steer the company’s development, but instead to help companies in an early stage where it is difficult to attract investors. In these companies, The Swedish Internet Foundation shall be minority owners and the company should be able to buy back the shares in future investment rounds. Last year, The Swedish Internet Foundation invested in the companies Weld and Meta Solutions and Foo café.

The goal is to support three start-ups per year. For a company to be considered, they need to include:

  • Focus on the Swedish market.
  • The company’s services or products should be in line with the Foundations purpose and values.
  • Companies can get advice from The Swedish Internet Foundation organization.
  • The Swedish Internet Foundation should not work in the companies’ boards.

For further information, please contact

Danny Aerts, CEO The Swedish Internet Foundation
Telephone: 0709-905489

Rosie Linder, CEO Peppy Pals
Telephone: 0709-242235