About us
The Swedish Internet Foundation is an independent, private foundation that works for the positive development of the internet.
This is how we work
We are responsible for the Swedish top-level domain .se and the operation of the top-level domain .nu. We are a foundation and our charter states that we shall ensure a strong and secure infrastructure for the internet in Sweden, as well as enabling people to use the internet in the best way.

We are The Swedish Internet Foundation
The Swedish Internet Foundation is an independent, private foundation who are responsible for the Swedish top-level domain .se and the operation of the top-level domain .nu. Read more about who we are and what we do.

The history of The Swedish Internet Foundation
What began as a passion and a curiosity for the internet has resulted in the founding of The Swedish Internet Foundation and a well-used national top-level domain.

Code of conduct
The Swedish Internet Foundation’s mission is to promote stability in the Swedish internet infrastructure as well as promote the spread of knowledge about the internet and electronic communication. We ensure proper conduct while conducting this mission by following our code of conduct.
Don´t hesitate to contact us at The Swedish Internet Foundation.

Contact us
Here you will find contact and address information for The Swedish Internet Foundation.

Press information
Together, we at The Swedish Internet Foundation have a broad and deep expertise on a variety of areas related to internet and digitalization, such as digital competence in schools, IT security, DNS, internet history and much more. We are happy to share our knowledge in these subjects.

Board of Directors and management
The Swedish Internet Foundation Board of Directors has a broad-based composition including representatives of both users of and experts in the internet in Sweden. Our executive management group is made up of five people, and led by the CEO.