
You can find the latest press information from The Swedish Internet Foundation here. You are of course welcome to contact our press department for additional information about The Swedish Internet Foundation or about internet development in general.

Press contact

Press officer: Olle Hallberg
Telephone: +46 72 003 29 91 (no sms)

We are experts in several areas

We like and believe in the internet and are passionate about sharing our knowledge. Together, we at the Swedish Internet Foundation have a broad and deep expertise on a variety of areas related to internet and digitalization, such as digital competence in schools, IT security, DNS, internet infrastructure, digital participation, internet history, crime linked to the internet and much more.

We are happy to share our knowledge in these subjects. Just get in touch with the press officer to come in contact with us and our experts!

Here you will find images of our experts.

Digital competence in school

Digital competence is part of the curriculum, but many teachers and schools are poorly equipped to meet these requirements. The Swedish Internet Foundation works actively to make it easier for teachers and schools to meet the requirements regarding digital competence in the curriculum. We support research on the subject, develop our own surveys on students' internet habits and we have created Digital lessons that offer free and complete lesson plans on digital competence.

Our experts in the field

  • Kristina Alexanderson, responsible for The Swedish Internet Foundation's school initiatives and one of the country's leading experts in working with digital competence in schools.
  • Måns Jonasson, internet expert at The Swedish Internet Foundation, has published books and videos about programming in school.

Security, privacy, and online fraud

Security is one of The Swedish Internet Foundation's core businesses. As we are responsible for the Swedish top-level domain .se and the operation of .nu, we ensure that the Swedish internet works in a stable and safe manner. Through the work with DNSSEC, we are also pioneers in security throughout the internet.

The Swedish Internet Foundation is an important player in the work against various forms of crime on the internet. This can, for example, be people who suffer from domain name scammers or fraud attempts via email or with the help of BankID. The Swedish Internet Foundation shares knowledge and collaborates with organizations such as the Police and the Crime Prevention Council.

Our commitment to internet knowledge focuses on spreading education and knowledge to adults in Sweden. Part of the material is about IT security from an ordinary person's perspective - how do I create strong passwords, how do I avoid being phished and are there any problems with using an open wifi? All of this, together with material on, among other things, source criticism and disinformation, can be accessed at any time at

Our experts in the field

  • Björn Appelgren, responsible for digital competence for adults at the Swedish Internet Foundation, can answer questions about our internet knowledge initiatives and, among other things, the topics of source criticism, disinformation and digital popular education.
  • Måns Jonasson, internet expert at The Swedish Internet Foundation, has published books and videos about programming in school.

Internet history

We are behind the Internet Museum, which is Sweden's first digital museum and which preserves digital cultural heritage and spreads knowledge about the history of the internet. We have worked with internet infrastructure for many years and, since 1997, have been responsible for the internet's Swedish top-level domain, .se. 

The Swedish Internet Foundation has a great knowledge of the internet's technical development and history. We are also very knowledgeable in internet culture, phenomena on the internet, what people do on the internet and how the internet has affected people and society.

Digital trends, new technologies and technical issues

The development on the internet never stops. New technology, new social media and new communication pathways affect and create changes in society. The Swedish Internet Foundation has a long experience of measuring and analyzing trends on the internet, and part of our mission is to explain and clarify how the internet affects our daily lives.

Our experts in the field

  • Måns Jonasson, internet expert at The Swedish Internet Foundation has extensive experience in the development of the web, apps and the internet in general.

Digital participation and the Swedes' internet habits

Digital inclusion is very important to us. The requirement that you as a citizen have basic digital competence is greater than ever. More and more contacts with both authorities and companies are expected to happen digitally. 

Since 2008, we have worked through several initiatives to increase digital participation. Through our annual survey, The Swedes and the Internet, we also have extensive knowledge about Swedes' internet habits, digital participation and exclusion.

But it also means that we are well aware of how Swedes use the internet, access the internet all around Sweden, social media and much, much more about our internet habits.

Our experts in the field

  • Jannike Tillå, Vice President Communications and Public Benefit at The Swedish Internet Foundation has extensive knowledge about Swedes' internet habits and digital participation.

Identity online

In many digital services, it is important that it is you who use the service. In working life, it is also important to know which organization you represent and what role you have, for example when doctors log in to the medical records system or the teacher scores. In either case, it is an e-ID or other login that describes who you are.

To make it easy and safe for you as a user, your organization interacts with your suppliers of digital services and with your suppliers of e-IDs. The form of collaboration is called the identity and authorization federation. The Swedish Internet Foundation is responsible for the School Federation (Skolfederation), which connects school principals with digital teaching materials and tests. We also support Sambi, which connects employers with digital services in health and care.

DNS and internet infrastructure

Creating a stable and secure infrastructure for the internet in Sweden is at the heart of our business. We are experts in DNS and DNSSEC. DNS is the term for the system that connects IP addresses, a number combination that computers use to talk to each other, and what we humans more easily remember - domain names, such as

DNSSEC is an extension of the DNS system, which aims to increase the security of DNS. The top-level domain .se that we are responsible for was the first in the world to be signed with DNSSEC.

We are still at the forefront internationally in the area and we are constantly working to improve the security of the network through a number of different initiatives. An example of this is that we offer training and technical support for DNSSEC. We protect .se and .nu from denial-of-service attack and we perform health checks annually on how companies, organizations and authorities use DNS/DNSSEC.