The Swedish Internet Foundation maintains a register of assigned domain names under the top-level domain .se and the top-level domain .nu. Here you can read about how you request access to the information in the domain name register.

If a domain name is registered, information about the domain name is displayed during a search in The Swedish Internet Foundation's search service. Due to the protection of personal data, some information about the domain name is hidden from the search result.
The Swedish Internet Foundation is the data controller and is therefore responsible for the information, such as personal data, in the domain name register. The Swedish Internet Foundation only shares the data from the register if there is a legal basis for doing so. If you wish to contact the domain holder for technical or legal reasons, or if you would like to buy the domain name, you can contact the domain holder directly by using The Swedish Internet Foundations contact form. You will reach the contact form after a search on the domain name.
Some investigative and executive authorities may oblige The Swedish Internet Foundation to disclose information. In these cases, The Swedish Internet Foundation has an obligation to provide the authority with the information requested.
In other cases, a legitimate interest is required to access the information in the register and it is then required that the information requested is necessary for the purpose relating to the legitimate interest. The Swedish Internet Foundation makes an assessment in each individual case where the interest in obtaining the information is balanced against the interest and the rights of the person whose personal information is requested. The balancing of interest may result in the requested information being disclosed, that only certain information is disclosed or that no information is disclosed.
If you wish to access information from the domain name register, use the form below. It is important that you specify what information the application refers to and why it is necessary that you obtain this information. Download the form to your computer and specify your request. The form is to be sent to