This list displays the domain distribution by registrar over the last 12 months.
Number of new registrations | Number of registrars |
10000 | 0 |
1000 | 4 |
100 | 18 |
10 | 28 |
0 | 0 |
This list displays the 50 registrars with the most new domains during the last 90 days.
Registrar | Number of new registrations |
Loopia AB | 921 | | 596 |
Inleed | 420 | | 267 |
Key-Systems GmbH | 263 | | 258 |
InterNetX GmbH | 229 |
Name SRS AB | 201 |
Metaregistrar | 131 |
ODERLAND Webbhotell AB | 101 |
Hostnet bv | 91 |
Realtime Register B.V. | 88 |
Loopia Group AB | 64 |
Rymdweb AB | 60 |
Hostup AB | 52 |
Abion AB | 51 |
EnkiNET | 50 |
Excedo Networks AB | 49 |
Web Lovers | 41 |
nicsell | 41 | Denmark A/S | 37 | | 34 |
Svenska Domäner | 32 |
CSC Corporate Domains, Inc | 31 |
nunames | 24 |
Nordisk Media Utveckling AB | 23 |
Domeneshop AS | 21 |
1 Api GmbH | 14 | WBS Webbhotell AB | 14 |
The Registrar Company B.V. | 13 | | 13 |
Ascio Technologies Inc | 13 |
Beebyte AB | 10 |
Gandi SAS | 9 |
Indukon | 8 |
Templ | 7 |
MarkMonitor Inc. | 7 |
NETIM | 7 |
Webbkonsulterna AB | 7 |
eDomains | 6 |
OVH | 6 | | 6 |
NameWeb BVBA | 6 |
Forss IT AB | 6 |
Registrar Proxy | 6 |
Costrar EOOD | 5 |
eDoms | 5 |
EuroDNS S.A | 5 |
Nom-IQ Limited | 4 |
eNOM, Inc | 4 |