Registry lock is a function that offers added protection for you or your company’s domain name. The aim of the service is to minimize the risk of unwanted changes, terminations or transfers even if user information is leaked or systems are hacked.

Registry lock prevents the following registration services to be performed:
- Updates, such as redelegations, to the domain name
- Deregistration of the domain name
- Transfer of the Domain Name to a new Domain Holder
- Change of registrar
A domain name locked with Registry lock will be renewed automatically together with the function, however, renewals can still be manually made, just as with any domain name.
Registry lock is an additional service and therefore it is not mandatory for The Swedish Internet Foundation’s registrars (retailers) to offer the service. Please contact your registrar for information about providing the service.
How to obtain Registry lock
You can subscribe to Registry lock as a holder by contacting your registrar. If your registrar does not offer Registry lock, you can always choose to change to another registrar who offers the service.
How to make changes when you have Registry lock
When you have Registry lock and wish to perform a registration service, for example a redelegation, contact your registrar and ask for the registration service. It is up to each registrar how they verify that you are in fact the registrant of the domain name. Unlocking of the domain is then performed by the registrar. When the domain is unlocked, the registrar can perform the registration service. When the service is completed, the domain name will be locked again by the registrar or automatically after the period of time specified by the registrar.
What does this cost?
It is up to each registrar who provides the Registry lock service to determine the price. For further information regarding prices, please contact your registrar.
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